If you receive your Rok Box and your CPU cooling fan is dislodged from your CPU cooler, it will be necessary to reseat the cooling fan onto the CPU cooling heatsink. 

The CPU cooling fan has two metal clips that hold it to the CPU heatsink: 

Please see this photo for the location of these clips with respect to the cooling fan: 

If your fan is dislodged, locate the metal clips that hold  the fan in place, and then place the fan back on top of the CPU heatsink, using the clips to keep the fan in place on top of the heatsink. 

After having done so, ensure that the fan's power cable is properly-seated to the motherboard to provide it with power. 

Power the PC on, inspect the fan for operation, and, as long as it is functioning properly, reseat the Rok Box PC case side, and use the PC normally.