In the case of your PC overheating or shutting off, it is imperative to check for proper operation of your Rok Box's liquid cooling system (if equipped). 

To start, remove the left-hand side of your Rok Box PC case. 

With the PC powered-on, inspect the CPU cooling block and radiator fan. They are located as such: 

You'll notice that the cooling block has a backlight, usually colored white, which indicates normal operation. The fan at the back of the PC case, attached to the radiator, should be spinning. 

If either of these components are not functioning, we need to start by inspecting the power connections for each of these, and their termination points on the motherboard inside your PC. 

Power off the PC. 

Inspect the cooling fan's power connector to the motherboard. It runs into a multicolored adapter which is plugged into the motherboard, a resistor. The resistor impedes the fan from spinning up and down, therefore cutting down on fan noise. However, if the fan is not properly plugged into this adapter, or the adapter not plugged into the motherboard, the fan will not power on. 

Inspect the connections and pull them from their termination points, if need be, reconnecting them to the same location to which they were previously connected. 

After having done this, inspect the power connector for the cooling block, located here: 

The termination point of the cooler is usually found just above the CPU cooling block, connected to a four-pin connector on the motherboard:

Ensure that the cable is properly connected to the motherboard. If in doubt, disconnect it by pulling it up and away from the motherboard, then plug it back into the 4-pin power connected on the motherboard. For reference, this connector will generally have an identifier of CPU_PUMP noted next to it on the motherboard itself. 

Once these steps have been taken, power the PC on with the case side still removed, an inspect the cooler and fan for proper operation. 

If they operate properly, you may replace the case side and use the PC normally. 

If they do not operate properly, there may be an issue with your liquid cooler. Please contact PCAudioLabs support and we'll be happy to help.