If you opted to have a Windows USB repair thumb drive included with your PC upon purchase, you may use this thumb drive to troubleshoot your Rok Box if it has issues booting, crashing, and for performing other troubleshooting tasks. 

If you did not opt for this addition to your Rok Box PC, you may create your own USB recovery drive using any USB thumb drive that is 16GB or larger. 

First, ensure that you have an available USB thumb drive that is 16GB or larger. Please note that all data on this USB thumb drive will be deleted in this process. 

Insert that USB into your PC. If your PC is unable to boot, you may follow this process on another Windows-based PC.

Click the Start button. Type: Recovery. The Start menu will take keyboard input and search for the proper application for these purposes, and should return the following: 

Click the found item, and then follow onscreen instructions: 

Once the USB thumb drive is created, you may utilize it for troubleshooting purposes with your PC.