If your web browser (Edge, Chrome, etc.) crashes or is slow or not functioning properly, it may be beneficial to clear the temporary and cache files associated with these applications. 

First, please try what is outlined here: 

How to troubleshoot corrupted Windows System files

And here: 

How to free up disk space on your Rok Box

Use the the Windows PC Manager for drive cleanup, driver updates, and system maintenance, which may be downloaded and installed from here: 


And use it to clear the Caches of your browsers, as found here in the application: 

Opt to clear the caches for Edge and Chrome and any other browsers, and then reboot the PC, and see if matters improve. 

If they do not, it is suggested to reinstall third-party browsers such as Chrome or Firefox. Edge, which is built into Windows, is not able to be uninstalled, but clearing its cache can be beneficial.