First, ensure that you have an available USB thumb drive that is 16GB or larger. Please note that all data on this USB thumb drive will be deleted in this process.
Insert that USB into your PC. If your PC is unable to boot, you may follow this process on another Windows-based PC.
After having done so, download the appropriate Windows version for your Rok Box:
After having downloaded the appropriate Windows media creation tool, run the downloaded application.
The application will open. Select the option to create a Windows USB:
Then, select to utilize the USB thumb drive you previously inserted into the PC:
All data on the USB thumb drive will be erased, and the Media Creation Tool will create a new Windows installer USB. When it finishes, you'll be notified that the USB thumb drive is ready.
Proceed as normal to the troubleshooting steps you wish to perform, or follow along with the selected troubleshooting article from our website.
If you require help, please open a support ticket by clicking here.